Saturday, 31 March 2012

Sweet 16?

When a girl turns 16, you call it her "Sweet 16th". What do you call is when a boy turns 16? Whatever you call it, I just think "It can't be true! My little boy can't be 16 today!" But he is. It's times like these that moms (or maybe just me) turn a little nostalgic. I have been going through old photo albums tonight and I have learned 3 main things.
1. I need to redo my old scrapbooks-they are horrible!
2. I need to go through my mom's photos to find some pictures of me.
3. I have hardly any pictures of Dan when he was younger.

I did find a few gems on my stroll down memory lane that I thought I would share with you.

This is the only baby picture I have of Dan. At least I am assuming it is Dan. He is with his older sisters and brother, so I am pretty sure it is him. He isn't even a baby, but it's as good as I've got. Cute, isn't he?

Here is Tristan. He was 8 pounds 9 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long. He has grown up so much!

This is Tristan's grade 10 picture. How did he get so cute?

You'll never guess who this is. It's me! Yep, cloth diapers and all. Just as a note-Tristan had cloth diapers too. I thought I was being all environmentally friendly, but it didn't last long!

This is me at 16 or pretty close. Check out the phone! Do you remember rotary phones? Then you're old like me. Did you have a party line? So did we! That is how you knew what was going on in your neighborhood! Not that I ever listened in on someone else's conversation, that's just wrong:)

I remember turning 16. There were so many firsts. First car, first kiss, first date (the last two might have happened a little earlier; but don't tell Tristan). First time breaking curfew, first time grounded (of course those things didn't happen to me...those were Dan's firsts).

I'm sure there will be many firsts for me now that Tristan is 16. I am sure that I will have many sleepless nights and worries as he drives and dates, but I am so blessed because so far, he is a good kid. So he is "Sweet 16" to me!

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

I LOVE my Job!

Today's Ramble
I don't know how many of you know what an elementary librarian does, but some days can be pretty monotonous. Read to kids, shelf books, check in, check out, in and day out. But every once in awhile there is a little bright spot amidst all the sameness. Now, don't get me wrong, life in the library is pretty good. In fact, I'm a little bit of a celebrity to the preschool afternoon class. They LOVE me! But I digress...
Today was assembly day! On most assembly days, I skip the assembly and catch up on one of the never ending tasks of library work. But today, I went. And am I ever glad I did! After the usual awards we had a special cultural guest-Ben the New Zealand Dancer-as he will be forever known. I have a new appreciation for Fiji and New Zealand dancers. He was, well, ripped. He had muscles from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. Actually, I don't really know if he had muscles on the top of his head or the tip of his toes (although I do know he was barefoot!) But he FOR SURE had muscles from his shoulders to his knees. How do I know this? Well traditional New Zealand dancers don't wear much except a wrap around their waist (because it is so hot there!). And of course, you have to wear the traditional dress when dancing the traditional dance! I am all for cultural sharing! If this keeps up, I might have to attend assemblies more often. I am sure more parents will attend if we were to invite him again!

Lucky me! We do have another cultural event planned-HOJA. They are a acapella musical group. There is nothing better than guys that sing in harmony. Unless of course they are New Zealand dancers that sing in harmony! Sweet dreams tonight.
P.S. Don`t worry, Dan. You may not be a New Zealand dancer or a could learn:)

Monday, 26 March 2012

Seasons of Life

Okay, I don't know how often I am going to get onto this blogging thing, but I will try to be regular.

This is my rambling today.

Last week we had a party at church and the theme was Seasons. We had speakers that spoke of the season they were in in their life. We had a newly married wife, a mother with young children at home and a retired "empty nester". None of them really fit into the season that I feel like I am in. I went home asking myself what season was I in? This is what I came up with...

I am in the TAXI season. That is what I do. I spend most of my waking day at work and the next biggest chuck of time in my car. Don't believe me? Lets take a look at March 20 (a typical day in the life of me).

6:00am alarm rings and up I get to wake Tristan up

6:40 am Take Tristan to seminary (back home 7:20)

7:30 am Leave home again with Brian and Ethan for school

3:30 pm school is done and we are on our way to Coaldale for a 4pm basketball game

5:30 home (supper at DQ)

6:10 gone again. Tristan needs to be in Lethbridge for Driver Training at 6:30 and I need to be in Coaldale for a church function at 6:30. (I was late)

9:30 Tristan needs to be picked up

See what I mean. On the road. Dan about had a heart attack when our 2008 van rolled 100,000km. Tristan took a picture on his phone and txted it to Dan to mark the occasion. Most days are like this, but that is the season I am in. The boys are busy doing good things. I am busy working and serving in my Church responsibilities. Dan is gone 3 weeks out of four. What's a girl to do? DRIVE

I know that one day I will beable to spend more time doing other things, but right now it is the season of TAXI DRIVER.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Hello Blogging World

Well, I thought that I would try out this world of blogging. It will be a new experience for me as I hardly even post anything on facebook. I mostly feel like I have nothing to share, but I am going to try it as an excercise to write. I love to write and journal, so this is my new goal as an extension of that. I suppose that I will mostly write about my family, so I will try not to embarress them, but I will not promise because they often do embarressing things! I will relieve myself of any guilt believing that no one will know what I blog, cause no one really cares what I say or will read my posts.

More to come, I will dig up some pictures and think hard to add some interesting tidbits to this blog, but for now it is 9:44 and I am going to turn into a pumpkin (or something worse) if I don't get my beauty sleep. It's not really beauty sleep-more like sleep that keeps me from turning into some creature that no one wants to meet. Ask my kids-they've met that creature once or twice and they insist now that I get my 8 hours!