Sunday 22 April 2012


In January I came across this phrase in 1Peter 3:10.  I didn't realize then how much it would impact my thoughts and outlook for could say it has become my theme.  Shortly after that, I found a little book by Emily Freeman with the same title...coincidence?

We have all heard or told someone to "have a good day".  But think of the difference between these two sayings.  To me "have a good day" means that good things have to happen for me to have a good day.  So in this world of stress and disappointment, good days would be few and far between if circumstances dictated it.  But "see a good day" means ALL days can be good, I just need to change my perspective and look at my world and circumstances differently.  Seeing a good day often means looking at your life through God's grace and mercy.  If we look to see good days, we can see them in the midst of our hardships and trials, we can see good days in all our days.  

Let me give you a recent example in my life when I had to change my perceptive from "having a good day" to "seeing a good day".  
This past spring break it seemed like everyone I knew had gone somewhere on vacation.  I was jealous and grumbly and I am sure every time I spoke to Dan I complained about the fact that I was here and not in some exotic place.  How could I even have a good day in that situation.  When I realized what I was doing I quickly changed my attitude to try to see the good days of our spring vacation.  Here is what I saw; I was able to run at my favourite time of the day 3 times that week, I had the week off when many others were working, I was able to work in the yard because we had beautiful weather for most of the week, I was able to volunteer at the soup kitchen which I am never able to do because of work, I spent all afternoon one day engrossed in a book, and I spent some wonderful times with each of the boys.  Once I changed my perspective if could "SEE" how much I love life and I could see my good days.

This doesn't mean that my hardships and trials are gone.  I still have the stress that work, kids, marriage, family, obligations - all those other things we do every day - bring, but as I work to change my perspective I can follow Peter's council.

"For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile;"

To love life and see good days I need to stop complaining and comparing my life to others'.  

So this week don't "have a good day", that is not my wish for you, but "love life and see good days."

Saturday 7 April 2012


I have been pondering the wonderous gift the the Savior has given to each of us. I don't think that anyone can comprehend the enormity of the statement made by the angel at the empty tomb: "He is not here: for he is risen". What a wonderous gift he gave to each person who has lived on the earth-ETERNAL LIFE-given freely for us all. Because of His sacrifice, we ALL will live again.
Then he goes even further and offers us the blessing of living with Him and our Heavenly Father forever. But this gift is not given freely, for this great blessing, he asks for something in return. He asks us to follow Him, obey His commandments, and endure to the end. He asks us to forsake our sins and "come unto me". He knew that as mortal beings we would sin, but He loved us so much He took those sins upon Himself in Gethsemane and all we need to do is repent and forsake. Easy? Definately NOT.
I am a Mormon, because the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ help me to follow Him. Each day, each hour, each minute, I am grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for His love and I try to live each day reflecting the love He has offered me. This Easter season, I pray that we will all pause to reflect on the wonderous gift He has given the world and your own personal relationship with the Savior.
I have been pondering the words of a favorite LDS hymn:

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me,
Confused at the grace the so fully he proffers me.
I tremble to know that for me he was crucified,
That for me, a sinner, he suffered, he bled and died.

Oh, it is wonderful that he should care for me enough to die for me.
Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me!

It is wonderful!